Partnership Announcement: Oracle Cloud and WunderGraph
We're hiring!
We're looking for Golang (Go) Developers, DevOps Engineers and Solution Architects who want to help us shape the future of Microservices, distributed systems, and APIs.
By working at WunderGraph, you'll have the opportunity to build the next generation of API and Microservices infrastructure. Our customer base ranges from small startups to well-known enterprises, allowing you to not just have an impact at scale, but also to build a network of industry professionals.
WunderGraph is extremely pleased to announce a partnership with Oracle Cloud that allows developers to build their next application with 90% faster integrations, to then host it easily on Oracle’s cloud. The speed of implementation is critical to how fast your business can act. WunderGraph and Oracle offer an innovative approach for API Integration and cloud hosting, providing users with the ability to develop and test applications in three times less time than with traditional tools. From there, WunderGraph allows hosting with Oracle’s powerful Cloud Infrastructure technology. Take your development to the next level with this partnership.
90% faster integrations with WunderGraph
GraphQL itself is great, but we were able to identify a few gaps regarding security, performance and developers experience. We've looked at how companies like Facebook, AirBnB, Medium, Twitter, etc... adopted GraphQL and took our learnings from their experience.
From all of this, we've assembled a set of tools to make developers' lives easier, allowing you to build apps faster and more secure without trading performance. While doing so, our main focus is always to give developers an amazing experience throughout the whole journey of using APIs.
WunderGraph, acts as a backend for frontend to your application. All the complexity of implementing OWASP compliant security, authentication, authorization with role based access controls, caching and state management is handled by the framework. Both client and server are fully generated and can be configured and extended in many ways.
WunderGraph’s unified Virtual Graph automates 90% of integration tasks and provides an unparalleled developer experience, authentication-aware data fetching and much more out of the box.
Our Open Source Framework is just the first step on our journey to create the best possible Developer Experience for working with APIs.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
We’re super excited about this partnership because OCI has all the services you need to migrate, build, and run all your IT, from existing enterprise workloads to new cloud native applications and data platforms.
Oracle Cloud is the first public cloud built from the ground up to be a better cloud for every application. By rethinking core engineering and systems design for cloud computing, Oracle created innovations that accelerate migrations, deliver better reliability and performance for all applications, and offer the complete services customers need to build innovative cloud applications.
Migrate custom and third-party applications to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) with minimal architecture or reintegration and implement infrastructure that delivers higher performance at lower cost than alternatives. OCI includes all the core infrastructure and platform-as-a-service options to meet secure development lifecycle needs through its industry-leading data management products and support for open source technologies like Java, Kubernetes, and MySQL, and now WunderGraph.
How to host WunderGraph on Oracle Cloud
Things Needed:
- Oracle Cloud Account
- Docker Hub Account
- 10 minutes
- Oracle CLI
Hosting your WunderGraph application on Oracle Cloud is extremely easy. This mini-demo will show you in under 10 minutes how to host your WunderNode on Oracle Cloud using Oracle Kubernetes Clusters (OKE) for “free”. (When you sign up you’ll be given a $300 credit to try it out. Once you run through your credit, you will default to the free forever plan)
The first thing you want to do is head over to and click begin the registration for the Oracle Cloud Free Tier . Once you register and sign in, you’ll be greeted by the Oracle Cloud dashboard. Search for Kubernetes Clusters (OKE) and create your Cluster. A Modal will pop up and you should choose Quick Create.

Now you will configure your cluster. Give your cluster a name and make sure to put your Kubernetes API Endpoint to Public. Same thing with Kubernetes Worker Nodes. Set the workers to Public.

For this example, we only selected 1 node.
Next, create your cluster. This process will take a bit of time.
Once your cluster is active, you can access it. It should look like the image below.

Once your cluster is active. Click the Access Cluster button. A modal will pop up and you should select Local Access. Follow the steps to be able to successfully configure your cluster locally.
It’s important to have Oracle’s CLI installed on your machine. You can use this link to quickly download it. Make sure to follow the directions in the modal exactly the way they show you.

Once you have configured your cluster correctly, you are done with the configuration from Oracle Cloud!
Deploy your WunderGraph application to your kubernetes cluster.
Clone the repository from this link and follow along the next steps.. The application is exposed via a service of type load-balancer which makes your application accessible to the public internet.
This command will build and push a production ready docker image to the registry and deploy all kubernetes files under ./k8s. We use the tool kbld for that seamless integration.
Accessing your WunderGraph node that is now hosted on Oracle Cloud via Oracle Kubernetes Clusters (OKE)
That’s it! In under 10 minutes we were able to host WunderGraph on Oracle Cloud using their Kubernetes Clusters (OKE). This is just 1 of their many services that they offer a part of their Oracle Cloud ecosystem.
** This was just for demo purposes to illustrate how easy it is to host WunderGraph on Oracle's Kubernetes Clusters. ake sure to destroy all provisioned resources, as you do not want to burn through your free credit so quickly! **
Time to start your first project! You can start using Oracle Cloud and WunderGraph today! We would love to see what you have built and what other integrations you would like to see.
Here are some of the handy links you can leverage to explore the WunderGraph and Oracle partnership activities further:
- All are welcome to join the Wundergraph Community Discord Channel
- If you want to experience Wundergraph with OCI for yourself, sign up for an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account and start testing today!
- For more information, see the Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes documentation .
- If you want to take your WunderGraph application to the next level with dedicated support from our team, use this link to schedule a meeting with WunderGraph